vrijdag 19 oktober 2007


Assignment 3rd Year:
For this assignment you have to pick one of the following statements and visualize it by using video and/or animated media. You can work together, but groupprojects will be judged differently than individual projects. You will have a formal introduction in class about this assignment. Pick one of the following:

1> Boys are better than girls.
2> Girls are better than boys.
3> Everything sucks.
4> Life is wonderful.
5> When I am drunk, I am more fun.
6> They take care of me.

Leave your name (or group) and the statement you have choosen in a reaction to this message. Next time we meet you will be presenting a plan and a formproposal. Have a nice holiday.

8 opmerkingen:


Anika Franke - Life is wonderful

Dennis ten Hove zei

Dennis - They take care of me (onder voorbehoud natuurlijk)

Julia zei

Julia - Everything sucks

Andree Sandkötter zei
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
Frauke Rösemeier zei

tripple f production:
life sucks

(Fiete, Frauke, Frauke)

Jan R Reineke zei

Daniel, Nils, Stefan, Jan - They take care of me (...)

art & illustration zei

Sandra- girls are better than boys

Andree Sandkötter zei

changed my mind to 'they take care of me' a couple of months ago ^^

greetz, andree